Clark Cousins Of Virginia

Edward of Middlesex Co. VA

Linda Sparks Starr sent the following to her Clark/Moorman group and plans on adding it to her site in the near future. In the meantime, Linda suggested that I post it to the Clark Cousins Of Virginia site for the members to see, as it may contain info relevant to this group. Once Linda adds it to her site, either she or I, will post the URL of it's new location. Thanks Linda.

Edward of Middlesex Co. VA by Linda Sparks Starr JUL 1999

    Virginia McNaught lists children "Christopher b. 1681, Allison, Francis and John (father of William and George Rogers Clark)" as children of Edward Clark and Ann (Allison) who married 1681according to the Christ Church Parish Register. [p. 46 McNaught.] This appears to be an attempt by McNaught or one of her correspondents to link Christopher and Francis with the line of the General and explorer along with a prominent Allison / Ellyson CLARK line in Henrico / Chesterfield Counties VA. However, a "what appears to be" well referenced genealogy on this couple disproves everything stated above except the marriage: _The Edward Clark Genealogy 1676-1988, from Bacon's Rebellion of 1676 in Virginia Down to the Present Day: Edward (1655?-1737) of Middlesex and Essex Counties, Virginia, and His Descendants including the Bristow, Stiff, Roudebush, McFarland, Holleman, and Other Families_, by Walter Burges Smith II, C.G., Picton Press, Camden, ME 1988. [In the following, I cite page numbers only from this work, but include citations for "other" records which corroborate the above.]
    According to Smith, Edward Clark was born circa 1655 in England or Virginia. He adds: "The most important [clue as to his origins] is that he had a half-brother or brother-in-law named Thomas
WEATHERSTONE, who lived in Middlesex Co. Virginia, from at least 1674 until his death there in
1692." [p. 11] Thomas Weatherstone's will, dated SEP 1692, asks his "brother Edward Clark" to look after his son, Edward Weatherstone. [p. 13] In 1677 Edward "had jointly leased a 150-acre tract of land, together with... Thomas Weatherstone. It was in Lower Precinct, the subdivision comprising the southern third of Middlesex County. Thomas lived on the tract until he died at the end of 1692. Whether Edward lived in lower or Middle Precinct before his marriage in 1681 is not known. He was referred to as 'carpenter' in the records until 1682. By then, he had definitely made Middle Precinct his home." [p. 12]
    Edward married Ann Allison "ye 13th of April 1681". [p. 19 _The Parish Register of Christ Church Middlesex Co. VA 1653-1812_ published1897 by Colonial Dames, Richmond, VA.] Ann was the daughter of David Allison who died before "Thirtyth day of January in the XXXIIId yeare of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second" [1681/2] as recorded in Deed Book 2, page 40-42 division of estate of David Allison deceased. [_Deed Abstracts of Middlesex County, Virginia 1679-1688_ by Ruth & Sam Sparacio] Smith elaborates a bit more, giving 1679 as the year of David Allison's death, leaving a wife Joan and four minor daughters. Ann's inheritance included 150 acres (half her father's holdings) in the Middle Precinct. [p. 12] Deed Book 2, page 505-9 provides the names of the other three daughters and their spouses: Catherine, wife of Benjamin Marsh; Mary, wife of Joseph Goare, and Elizabeth, wife of Henry Goare. [_Deed Abstracts of Middlesex Co. VA 1688-1694_ by Ruth & Sam Sparacio.]
    Ann (Allison) Clark died circa 1692-1694, leaving only one known child, Margaret, who lived to
adulthood. Edward married secondly Ruth DOWNING, daughter of William and Elizabeth. [p. 13]
William Downing appointed Edward Clark executor of his will, naming his daughter, Ruth Clark, as sole heir 6 DEC 1694. [p. 13] Edward Weatherstone was a witness to this will. William Downing died in 1698; his widow, Elizabeth, presented what she called a newer version of his will to the Middlesex Co. court; but the court ruled the will presented by Edward and proven by witness Edward Weatherstone was more acceptable. Edward Clark was appointed executor of William Downing's will NOV 1698.
    Edward is shown as owning 300 acres in Middlesex Co. on the 1704 Rent Rolls. [p. 18 _The Quit Rents of VA 1704_ compiled by Annie Laurie Wright Smith, 1980.] However according to Smith, he actually owned 420 acres -- the 150 acres inherited from David Allison and 270 acres inherited from William Downing. Today this land falls just south of Saluda, VA. [p. 16]
    Ruth (Downing) died before 1706, leaving only two known children who lived to adulthood --
Elizabeth and Edward Jr. Edward "Sr." married his third wife, Ann FEARN 26 MAR 1706 in Christ
Church Parish. Ann was the daughter of John and Mary (Lee) Fearn who are called "desenters":
Smith's citation for this statement doesn't say which group -- Quakers, Catholics, Baptists or other
non-Anglican religious group. Although Ann (Fearn) brought no land to the marriage, Edward
purchased a large wooded tract in nearby Essex Co. VA 10 MAR 1708/9.
    Edward and Ann (Fearn) Clark had the following children born and /or baptized in Christ Church
Parish, Middlesex Co.: John born 31 MAR, baptized 7 APR 1707; Ruth baptized 23 JAN 1708/9; Mary baptized 3 JUN 1711; Bartholomew born 5 OCT 1713; William born 26 APR, baptized 10 JUN 1716; James born 19 APR, baptized 25 MAY 1718. [_Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex Co., VA from 1653-1812_ -- my notes don't include specific page numbers.]
    Edward's oldest daughter, Margaret, married William Bristow in 1704; his daughter Elizabeth married Jacob Stiff in 1708. These two apparently remained in Middlesex Co. when Edward and Ann (Fearn) moved to nearby Essex Co. late 1718. Smith suggests the under-aged Edward Jr. probably accompanied them as well. Edward's large Essex Co. tract formed a rough triangle abutted on the south by Occupacia Creek, near present day Route17. Edward began dividing his Essex Co. property among his children with Ann (Fearn) in 1730. Daughter Mary and her husband John O'Neal received a 105 acres in April; but sons John and Bartholomew settled on their neighboring tracts without benefit of title deeds until Edward's will was probated.
    In his AUG 1736 will, Edward gave a shilling "only" to his eldest son Edward Jr. and each of his
married daughters: Margaret, Elizabeth, Ruth and Mary. He provided for an equal sharing of his Essex Co. holdings among his four sons with Ann (Fearn) except that James was to receive an extra 50 acres. John and Bartholomew were already settled on their portions; William was to have Edward's dwelling house after Ann's death; and James' part joined lands of Covington and Armistead. [p. 26-7]
Edward's children and spouses: [p. 27]
with wife Ann ALLISON:
    Margaret b. circa 1683 m. William BRISTOW
with wife Ruth DOWNING:
    Elizabeth b. circa 1693 m. Jacob STIFF
    Edward b. circa 1698 m. Mary HUNT
with wife Ann FEARN:
    John b. 1707 m. Mary ____
    Ruth b. 1708/9 may not have married
    Mary b.1711 m. 1st John O'NEAL; 2nd George GARDNER
    Bartholomew b. 1713 m. ? Jean and probably 2nd time
    William b. 1716 d. 1746 m. Sarah HIPKINS
    James b. 1718 m. Susanna HIPKINS
    Virginia "Jennie" McNaught [p. 8 _James Clark, Mansfield, Christopher Clark and Allied Families_ published after 1935] links the above William and John as the CLARKs who settled in Orange Co. VA. However, she shows the spouses for William as Ann James and Sarah Foster. I haven't personally researched either line, but Smith cites Essex Co. records for the above William's death. I therefore believe Smith is correct. 


If you have, or know of other sites that have Clark/e's, please send the URL to the address below,
so we can visit it and possibly add it to the links page.


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This page was last updated on February 20, 2002

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