Clark Cousins Of Virginia

Questions & Comments - Page 1

This is the first in a series of pages that will be posted under the heading of Clark Cousins
Questions and Comments. We will try to add a Clark Cousins Forum or Message Board
soon so that items that are timely won't suffer because I can't respond quickly enough.

I have some questions and suggestions about your Clark Cousins site:
  1. Your instructions say to prepare a direct line descendancy chart "like the one on the home page",  but the descendancy chart for the Misc. Clark Line 1 is in a different format than the ones for the other lines. Could you please clarify how much variation is permitted in the format of the direct line descendancy chart?
  Reply-1 There is no set amount of variation. You can send it how you'd like for it to look
and I'll get it as close to what you send as I can. Misc. Clark Line 1 was submitted just as
you see it. I'd like to keep the set up similiar throughout but isn't required. You decide how
you want it.
  2. Are there any guidelines for when a surname should be included in the "Additional Surnames" list? On most of the lines, (e.g., Misc 1 & 2, Starr's, Joan's, Rebecca's) the Additional Surnames
seem to be only those of the spouses listed in the descendancy chart, but on the Home page list for
"Mary, Bill, Jeannie, Ida, Sandi, Shirley and Pete", it seems to include a large number of
surnames mentioned nowhere in the descendancy chart. Are these ALL the surnames related to
"Mary, Bill, Jeannie, Ida, Sandi, Shirley and Pete" (including their ancestors on their other lines) or is
it just those who would be included in a report of all the descendants of the progenitor of their
CLARK line, or something else?
  Reply-2 My Clark Line is on the index/main page. It shows the direct line back to my ggg
grandparents, John and Elizabeth (Wright) Clark. I added all the known surnames
connected to my Clark Line. Subsequent Lines didn't include comprehensive surname lists,
however they may expand their surname lists at some time in the future.
  3. It would help a lot if there were some contact information for the submitter of each line, such as
an email address and/or a link to their personal home page. I know you don't want to
include genealogical data about living persons, but to just toss out a name like "Rebecca" with no
way for a visitor to find out how to contact Rebecca if they are interested in her line
seems kind of unanchored. Some of the lists have way down in the Surnames section a little link to
"email us" that sends a message to "", but I suspect this is an address for the
"Bill" of the Home Page line and thus would be a very indirect way of contacting the submitter of any
other line. (None of the pages contain a link to any other email address. They either link to
billncindy, or else the "email us" has no link and no indication of who "us" is.)  The visitor may not want to subscribe to the Clark Cousins list, nor contact the Clark Cousins Home Page owner. They may want to directly contact only the submitter of a particular line. This will  become much more true as the site gets expanded with additional lines. I suspect that as the number of Clark lines grows, you will also not want to be the middleman for people wanting to contact submitters of lines not connected to yours.
  Reply-3 An item of discussion, as a result of your qestions, is adding email addresses for
each of the Clark Lines. Several have responded back and wanted to add their email
address. I just sent that inquiry out last night 6-5-99, all have not responded back. Those
with websites will also have links to their personal Clark sites thus allowing the visitor a
chance to view more of the individual line as well as provide contact information for that
Clark line. Yes the link is to Bill of the index/home page. I agree, many may not want to
subscribe or contact the moderator. As the questions and comments and Clark Lines pile
in, it is becoming more and more apparent that there too many Clark researchers to handle
in this manner. Corrective measures are being taken.
  4. In the list of "Clark Lines on this Site", it would be helpful if the counties involved and/or the
progenitor of the line were mentioned in the list next to each link. When there are only six
lines, it is feasible for the visitor to check them all out. But when there are hundreds (which is to be
expected on a common surname like CLARK), people are going to want a brief overview
to help them decide which pages to visit before actually going there.
  Reply-4 I agree too that the geography needs to be present.
  5. My own CLARK line, if it had a 1-line summary, would be
"Joseph CLARK 1755-1839; Tazewell VA; Mercer VA; Morgan KY; Rowan KY"
Here are some links to the family groups on my CLARK direct line:
Joseph CLARK (~1755 - 1839) & Mary BRITTON:
George B. CLARK (1799 - 1860's) & Elizabeth FLUMMER:
John Bailey CLARK (1835-~1870) & Martha Ann RIDDLE:
Samuel CLARK (~1862-~1888) & Mary Susan JONES:
I will submit a descendancy chart once I find out what variations in format are acceptable.
Reply-5 Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. They are very much appreciated
and if you have more please don't hesitate to share them.
Respond to   pettit@Adobe.COM

I was looking at your GOURLEY.. there anything else on that line?
Respond to

My mother is a Clark and I can only go back to 1815 with her family. Thanks.
Reply-We'd be happy to post your line if you want to send it.
Respond to

Are you also compiling lists of the 1600's Clarks from Scotland into NJ?
Reply-We're trying collect as much Clark info as we can. Would you like us to post the
Scotland Clark's on a webpage? If so, are you connected to them or should we post it
simply as Misc. Clark Line 3-The Scotland Clarks? or?
Respond to

My father's family has Harmon/Harman and Taylors. Most of them are located in Worcester Co.,
MD. Do any of your Clarks have ties to either Harmons or Taylors in this vicinity? thanks, Mary
Respond to

Looking for info on Clark to Bennett's families.
Respond to

How does the Boothe family fit into your chart? I am a Boothe with ancestors from the
Southhampton and Norfork area (and maybe other areas I dont know yet!) Looks like a lot of work
done! I am trying to find where my greatgreatgrandmother, Sarah A.E. Boothe, was born (1815
in??) and parents names (??) and marriage date and where?? She is burried in the Beechwood
cemetery in Boykins, Va, along with a group of others that must be related (Joynes, Woodard) and
date on tombstone is 10-26-91.
Respond to

I believe my Clark was from MA. Do you know of a Clark group researching them from that state?
Thank you,
  Reply-The Clark Line's do not necessarily have to be from Virginia to be posted. The
ClarkCousinsOfVa email list and website was originally 9 cousins who wanted to know
more about our ancestors. Virginia was a major entry point and geographically was a large
land mass along the east coast in the beginnning, so most of our ancestors were from
Virginia as were many peoples ancestors. In fact, most of the original 9 cousins are not and
had not been Clarks either. It's just that we all had Clark ancestors and much of our
research was for Clarks in Virginia. That's why we called ourselves Clark Cousins Of
Respond to

I noticed in your surnames that you have MORRISON. Can you send me some of the Morrison
names that you have? I am related to the Morrison's. My ggrandmother was a Morrison. Sincerely,
Respond to

I found your post on a roots web list and checked your web page and I have several of the same
surnames you reference. Would you please send me additional information on these surnames?
WHITAKER, WHITE, YORK, and QUINN. Thank you so very much in advance for all your
time and help with these surnames and I look forward to hearing from you really soon.
Respond to

If you want to add some more clarke's to your web page check out my homepage.
Respond to

I am searching for Clayborn and Naomi Thompson abt 1793 to 1831 of  Montgomery Co VA. Also, poss. their son Hiram Thompson b abt 1815-1818  and daughter Elizabeth b. aft 1831. Any chance you might have them in your Thompson file?
Respond to

Hello again, I am looking for Preston B. Hall and wife Mary Mullins abt 1833 of Goodwill,
WV.(Mercer Co). Any chance your Halls might include these individuals? Thank you.
Respond to

There's a book for sale on, the auction site. It's THE DESCENDANTS OF
NATHANIEL CLARK. If you've got Clarks in New England or New York, it can be
helpful. Heritage Books, which also has a website, also has the book on sale for $15.
Respond to

I am researching my family surname "Perry". I know we connect with the Clark family but I am not
sure how. Back in 1978, I worked for a Jim Clark in Norfolk, VA.(a trucking company, the main
office was in Fishersville, VA). During this time there was a family reunion in the Fishersville area,
which is where my Perry family is located. I didn't go, but when my mom returned she said the my
boss (Jim Clark) was at the family reunion. I have never understood the connection. My father was
Frank Perry, he was the son of Lena Butler and Chester Perry. Lena Butler also married a Mr.
Snead. My father had sisters "Doris" who married Sonny Reed and Phylis who married Preston
East. I noticed that several of the names were on your list. Just not sure they are the same. I am
hoping you can help me make the connection. I haven't been able to find out much on my Perry
family. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Respond to

Are any of your Rogers' and/or Smith's from Northumberland Co., Pa? My Rogers' originally were
from Cornwall, England and my Smith's may have been from Wales, but ended up in Shamokin, Pa.
and in West Virginia. I also noticed that you have Brown and Murdock among your surnames. My
Brown's are from Montgomery Co., Virginia and my Murdock's from Bedford and Montgomery
Counties, Va. I also have Evans from Pennsylvania, but haven't had much luck with them yet. Many
Respond to

I am interested in the ELLISON link in the MISC. CLARK LINES 1. I am researching
ELLISONS in VA. and N.Y. and have been trying to find a link between ELLISONS in VA. and
ELLISONS in W.VA. Also, if I can provide any information to anyone else with an ELLISON link,
will be happy to do so.
Respond to

Ruth, I just checked my files. i have your Richard C. Corn (b. abt 1828) as youngest son of John
Corn , (b. 1786) and Elizabeth Adams. John is son of Samuel Corn ,Sr. and Elizabeth --?-- . I
have children of Richard and Naomi listed as Sarah E., b. abt 1857, James W. b. abt 1859.
Samuel J. b. abt 1861, Mary A. b. abt 1865 and John A. b. abt 1868. I can't find my notes and will
have to do some backtracking but I MAY have gotten this FGS from 1870 Patrick Co. census
(Patrick Co GenWeb Archives)
Respond to

Hello, I was at your Clark Cousins site ( and
noticed the Wyrick surname. The site gives intructions to e-mail to this address. Can you
provide me with more information on the Clark/Wyrick connection? Regards,
Respond to


If you have, or know of other sites that have Clark/e's, please send the URL to the address below,
so we can visit it and possibly add it to the links page.


Questions or comments: email to

This page was last updated on February 20, 2002

| Home | Cousins | Rebecca | Darlene | Starr | Edward of Middlesex Co. VA |
| Joan | Stacey | Harold | Terri | Timothy | Sharon | David | Deborah | Ed | McLaine |
| Larry | Bill | Karlene | Charlyne | Misc 2 | Other | Strays | Brickwall | Random in Virginia |
| Random by State | | Random by Country | Comments 1 | Records | Links | News - Reunions |